Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 353: Elsa Viola - Silent Run

Chapter 353: Elsa Viola - Silent Run

He was acting strange, even more so since he asked me to join him. I had simply thought this was about revenge, but there was something more to it.

Grey was not his usual calm self. He did not show it, much but it was there. The ever so slight malice that he hid desperately in his heart. If I did not know the man better, I would call it out of desperation or insanity.

But Grey was a man of logic and efficiency. For him to be so distraught over something had me worried. While his bastard of a brother should be drowned within a latrine, I have always held Grey with some form of respect. He deserved that much.

We had met on a few occasions, and I was lucky enough to know to get to have a few words with his wife a long time ago. He was different back then, kinder, but who wasn\'t when they were kids?

Faintly smiling, I turned to the silent man, seemingly carrying the weight of Midgard upon his shoulders.

"Two more days, " Said Eric carrying a heavy timbre within his voice but never stopping. Leaping from tree to tree akin to a wild beast, we followed in suit, growing more comfortable within the wilderness with each passing day.

"Your staring," Grey said in a tone that reminded me of the Ashen King. It was one without human emotion.

"I knew her, you know. We met each other long ago." I muttered, by his side, watching his expression sink.

Pressing harder against the bark till began to tear underneath his feet, Grey pushed ahead, but I remained by his side.

"I don\'t talk about her. Not with anyone." He said darkly, carrying a little trickle within his throat.

"Arsene said the price was great, but are you truly willing to pay it?" I asked, recalling his somber eyes that day. "Although he didn\'t tell me what it was."

"It... It is indeed great, but one that needs to be paid." He told, appearing rather decisive. The ever so faint tension upon his left temple, however, told a different tale. Not wishing to speak more, I changed the subject.

"Ashna, if she appears, what are you planning?" I inquired.

"You truly know how to make conversation," He mockingly scuffed, "She along with that damn posse of hers needs to die. What else is there? Unless you believe she has something to do with Arsene\'s disappearance."

"And if she did?"

"He is but a shadow." He told, carrying a vengeful flame pulsing with each beat of his icy heart.

"You would—"

"Elsa, I believe there might be some confusion. I gave Arsene the chance to go for his wife, and I will truly help him. But we know nothing as of yet, and until we do, I will act within my interests. It is my wife that remains dead while his lives. Tormented she might be, but until we figure this out, I stand on killing everyone."

"No," I coldly refused, unable to accept such a poor decision. "We watch, and we study. You can have your vengeance, but it must be done when we have all the facts, or are you so blinded that you cannot see that?"

"What I can see, Elsa, is the facts. Arsene is missing, and from that, it seems Zanris is here because she got wind of an Elven Queen. Knowing this, she deviated from the main course to follow up. Arsene then told her that and left towards a mirrored lake. Please stop me if I am wrong?" He darkly asked, burning with a vicious rage beneath his gentlemanly appearance.

Holding my tongue, I watched Greyson continue, "There was no record of Arsene double backing to the village once more. And Eric said that one needed a guide in order to even reach the Mountain of Dreams in time. Tala did not know who Arsene was, or he would have definitely been dead earlier, so this leaves me to believe Arsene\'s disappearance had nothing to do with the Elves, but rather due to curiosity, A prince of Hell, some random beast, or he is stuck."

"I am not worried about Arsene, you idiot, but rather my master!" I swiftly said, grabbing ahold of his collar. Clenching my wrist, he glared with fire in his heart as I felt a chill within my soul at the strange energy beginning to ripple in the air.


Pushing down my fears, I glared, "Do you not think it\'s strange that Ragnar and some bitch are here on these Isle? Do you not feel like provenance is standing against us? This could all be a trap, or it could be something big. Either way, we do not need someone who is carrying so much resentment to fuck it all up." I shouted, pushing him away.

Staggering back into a tree, he grunted, shooting me a profound stare. "You merely have to follow my lead." He swiftly said but never declared his plan.

"Fucking Snows, the bastard, all of you," I shouted, giving up upon this man. Both he and Arsene are like this. They share nothing, only bits, and pieces. I see now where Arsene got it from.

Pushing off the ground, Eric, who had stopped to watch, continued on. Reaching the side of Zanris and Silvia, I could also see a silent fire in her eyes.

"will you also be like grey?" I hopelessly asked, knowing the two of them would destroy such a good opportunity.

"No," She said to my surprise. "While I wish for Tala\'s death, I wish for the return of my mother, or did you forget it was Lilith who made me what I am? Her blood is what made me into a lilim. Or did you forget?

Carrying a pleased expression, I wrapped my arms onto both Silvia and Zanris\'s shoulders, beaming with joy, "I would never forget. "

Holding me in her eyes, Zanris somberly smiled, "But I do wish for her death, but we all must make sacrifices. We will find out the truth, and then she will be mine."

"Damn right," I said, eyeing the silver moon that hung over our heads.

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