Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 795 Arsene Vs. Three Paragons

"Baphy?" Levi greeted flickering by my side with a set of singed clothing. " Oh? And you came too, Paimon. Why?"

"Lord Lucifer sent him," I said, turning to this large goat stroking his beard with utter pride.

"Indeed, his majesty had commanded that I apprehend Mr. Snow. A task even an ant can accomplish, but his majesty has gracefully commanded his acolyte to bring Arsene before him."

"Putting aside the fucked up description where you lower yourself to that of an ant, why does Lord Lucifer even want Arsene and speaking of which, where is he?" I pointed out, surveying my surroundings.

The blaze was here, but no Arsene.

"He\'ll be coming up soon," Levi-chan said, pointing to the large crater filled with utter darkness. "I was hoping Arsene would awake with a hard punch to the face, but it seems I was wrong, and place the Scepter of the Demon Mother back into your soul; you wouldn\'t want it to be destroyed, right?

I creased my brow and was a little curious about what Levithan meant, but then Paimon spoke out, " His majesty wishes a word with a Mr. Arsene Snow. His reason behind his actions illudes me, but as to \'respect\' the Arbitor of this World. Lord Lucifer wishes not to make enemies but instead follow the rules. To allow some abyssal fiend who is clearly inferior to my Lord and savior to be governed by the rules in their land is such a magnanimous decision. Such class, I say! HAIL SATAN!!!!"

There he goes again. I know that I\'m disliked by many in the Hells, but even the satanist don\'t like Paimon. This bastard is too extreme. His cult is so bloodthirsty to spread his Lord\'s name; I\'ve seen realms tarnished in the foulest way\'s that even gave me some ideas.

Clearing my throat, I sensed movement below and placed the Scepter of the Demonic Mother back into my soul.

"No weapons," Levi said, " There is a strange power around him that destroys anything that doesn\'t have the ability to reproduce cells faster than it can break down. That includes living weapons. Oh, and you will have to keep up a constant barrier to hold off that strange power as well."

My lips tugged lower, " What are our options. I need Arsene out of trouble for at least a few years." I swiftly said, flaring my demonic divinity into the world.

"His soul is still recovering, so I say a powerful soul shock might work. I found a wonderful soul spring a few days away. We\'ll place him there to recover after we tear him a new one." She said, feeling oddly excited, as she licked her cheery lips. Her azure eyes gleamed with a thirsty light.

I warned that bastard Arsene to shut that shit down. Guess that idiot didn\'t. Asmo is not one who needs to be cockhold; he\'s a lord of lust and a Lord of Pride next. He will definitely kill Arsene and potentially suffer eternal damnation.

Feeling the black flames begin to howl, I felt something in the winds shift, as from the black flames, I felt a power reminiscent of the Hells, of when a mortal turns into a devil or demon. A Tarnishing Willpower erupting from the black flames around me.

Realization sprinkled over my soul as a being with two ethereal wings came up from the Abyss into the air, crowned by the darkness, the Abyss, and the Hells; I felt a power I\'d hope never to face stand before me. Spear in hand, I felt my heart tighten as the Angelic essence of Heaven and Hell pooled off his spear.

His black flaming wings arched, and in such a way, I felt I was standing before a fallen once more.

"Wow," Paimon remarked. "Is this for real?"

The disbelief in his words was so strong that even I found them accurate as I stood before this thing.

"His spear. That\'s his weakness. Grap the spear, and the battle is over." I relayed to everyone. While it was apparent, it needed to be said.

If this were a simple killing mission, it would be simple-ish. But we needed to capture, and Paimon wanted to take Arsene away.

"Get ready, everyone," Levi said as a sliver of Almighty essence trickled around her. She flashed and appeared before the blazing demon.


Whipping past the tarnished flames, the sounds of glass exploded, shattering part of reality and causing sound and light to blend together into a swirling vortex akin to a black hole.

"Too Far!" I howled as an explosion erupted, wiping out the flames below, leaving only a waist land of destruction and Arsene standing high in the area with only a bloody lip. He spat out a slew of blood and turned his silvery eyes, glowing scarlet around the rim, to Levi.

"Lucifers Beard!" Paimon grumbled, "Did he just eat that?"

The markings on Arsene grew, and my fears shone as my instincts seemed to howl, "LEVI!"

Pivoting off the air backward, Levi\'s gaze was icy cold as Arsene\'s spear thrust its way towards her, carrying the same form of Almighty Qi. I saw something dark take whole in my heart. As reality was once again shattered, albeit, on a much smaller scale, I felt my entire world shake as something stirred within Arsene.

Something akin to that damnable bloodline he carried.

Weaving with effortless ease, Levi dodged Arsene\'s strike with a smile on her face; she released a burst of crazed laughter.

"GODS!!!! YES!! Baby girl Lilith I\'m going to steal your man. He\'s now Levi\'s! All is fair in love and war!"

This bitch is crazy. Love?

Please, the amount of shit pouring from her mouth could drown an infant.

"He copied it?" Paimon darkly worded.

"He copied a low-level almighty technique we all know." I swiftly said, almost to make myself feel better, "But I never thought his comprehension was so high; we should have brought Azaroth here. He could have sealed those flames away.

"He could seal Arsene\'s flames? That doesn\'t sound right." Said Paimon

I glanced at Paimon and sneered, "Sealing is a Mortal Dao, it can seal anything, maybe not Arsene\'s ability to produce flames, but he can seal the flames he releases. Come on, let\'s take Arsene down, cut off his hand if we need to, or crack his soul; either way, we need to take him down."

"Hurry it up!" Levi shouted, " help me get that spear from his hand; use physical abilities; it seems like Sene can absorb anything magical in nature."

We\'ll see about that!"

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