Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 832 - Vol V Chapter 192

Firstly, the job had high credibility. The official credibility of the Republic of Northwest had always been very good. Whoever cooperated with it might not necessarily make a lot of money, but there had been no precedence of anyone making a loss. Even if they were not able to earn any profits, the officials of the Republic of Northwest would take out money from their own pockets to subsidize costs. In short, they would never let their partners suffer.

It was on this premise that the adventurers were willing to trust the sincerity of the officials of the Republic of Northwest—if it had been some other country, they might not have such confidence. After all, in any other country, incidents like being killed because you knew too much, happened from time to time.

In other words, when a country needed adventurers to do things, in the vast majority of cases, these things would always be very dangerous—all very dangerous, in every sense.

Secondly, the job paid well. If they managed to improve their capabilities, they could even land a stable job in the Republic of Northwest. Thereafter, they could practically have secured an honorable retirement. Even if they could not improve their capabilities, they would still be able to earn a big sum after spending six months on training. They could even get a magic kit that suited them, so they would not be suffering any loss at all.

Last but not least, which was also the most important factor, was that the job allowed them to be in close contact with a senior Legendary Master. And the time was as long as six months to a year. If within six months to a year, they were able to gain the recognition of that senior master, they might be able to skyrocket to great heights overnight. And that “senior” might be very old, so he might be holding this recruitment with the intention of finding someone to inherit his legacy. So long as anyone could become his successor and inherit his legacy...

Alright, save the drool for later; wipe it away for now.

All in all, the number of applicants far exceeded Sui Xiong’s expectations, even to the extent of striking him dumbfounded.

“Is it possible that all the mid-ranked adventurers in the world have come?” he wondered as he looked at the few heavy stacks of application forms placed before him. He felt somewhat amazed and said, “So there are actually this many mid-ranked adventurers in this world?”

“It’s not just the adventurers who have signed up. There are also many mid-ranked figures, not adventurers, who have signed up,” said the officer of affairs in charge of handling these applications. “There are many aristocrats as well.”

“An aristocrat. Instead of doing their best to manage their family estates, would come here to be trained? Are they out of their minds?

“I feel that the way they think is normal,” said Hopes Wilder, a clerk temporarily transferred from the Ministry of Mines. He sighed and said, “In fact, I’d love to receive this training too. It’s just that I’m too busy and simply can’t get away.”

“You? If I’m not mistaken, you’re now the clerk of the Ministry of Mines, right? If you come to receive this special training, Johnny and Old Reif will definitely come running to the temple to protest.”

Hopes laughed and said nothing more about the matter on training.

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Since that joint exploration, Hopes had met the satisfaction of Reif, the Minister of Mining, so he could switch from the job of a miner to a clerk. Indeed, he had outstanding capabilities in culture and arithmetic, and he was also good at communicating with people, so his career progression got better and smoother. Ten years later, he had become the chief clerk of the Ministry of Mines and was the right-hand man of the current Minister of Mining, Johnny Lydon. If nothing went wrong along the way, by the time Minister Johnny retired, his position would most likely go to Hopes.

If at this point in time, he was to choose to go and receive the special training, upon successfully becoming a high-level master, then he might have to transfer to the first-line exploration team as a leader. To the Republic of Northwest, a high-level exploration master might not be inferior to a minister of the Ministry of Mines. But to the Ministry of Mines, which was rather lacking intellects, a future minister becoming an exploration master was obviously going to greatly affect their work.

Sui Xiong jokingly said that Minister Johnny and the older Minister Reif would probably rush to the Void Temple to protest. That was not merely a joke but a real possibility.

Naturally, Hopes knew about this. So he said no more about it. But he could not help feeling discontented about his old friends.

Many of his old friends worked in the mining industry. Dudu Hill, being a royal member of the Kingdom of Dwarfs, returned to his country after completing his studies. But Sid Booker and Ruby Sylu remained in the Republic of Northwest. However, out of these two old friends, one changed profession and became a scholar. All day long, he would either be in the mountains to search for mineral veins or stay indoors at his study room or library to write essays. He had no intention of working in the Ministry of Mines at all. The other friend worked in the mining industry, but the job was an instructor of the exploration team. This friend had strongly expressed zero interest in civilian work and would remain an instructor till his retirement...

As a result, from this group of elites that made up the exploration team back then, only Hopes became civil personnel of the Ministry of Mines.

Sigh! If only they could help me out with a little bit of work, I’d also be able to participate in this training!

Hopes was a promising youth. He was only around 30 this year, which was the golden age for him to work on enhancing his capability. Currently, he was at the mid-ranked level as a Druid and was almost nearing mid-rank as a paladin. Although he could not be compared with the high-level Sid Booker, Ruby Sylu, as well as Fira Kenji, if he were to receive training, most likely, he would be able to move up to a high-level as well.

Although he was a civil servant, he was no different from how “every mage had the heart to wield a sword right in the face of confrontation.” In truth, Hopes also yearned to lead a heroic life—the job of a clerk was just too tedious and dull. He had to compare several documents, determine all kinds of big and small matters, all sorts of grassroots situations, then compile all these into piles of data. Looking at these often made him dizzy, but he still had to roughly remember them all. This was even tougher than going to school.

But no matter what, there was always someone who had to get the job done.

His child was about to begin elementary school, and when the class talked about the topic, “My Father,” he hoped to be someone that his son could be proud of.

Well, the job as a minister of mining was certainly one that his son could be proud of.

Actually, being a high-level adventurer is not too bad either...

Hopes carefully dealt with the data that had been screened and required further processing, but in his heart, he was sighing inwardly.

He did not know that Sui Xiong already caught a clear view of his true inner thoughts.

Looking at Hopes’ inner thoughts, Sui Xiong could not help laughing.

A prosperous country needed people to work in all trades. Those who only knew to pursue great strength and who only knew to exploit their troops to engage in unjust military ventures would never see a good future ahead of them.

Perhaps for Hopes, he might personally have felt that it was a regret that he could not become a high-level master. But for the whole of the Republic of Northwest, a competent minister in the Ministry of Mines was far more valuable than a high-level master.

If one were to do a careful calculation, he could see that, by right, the leaders of a few major departments of the Republic of Northwest should be worth as much as a master at the junior-legendary level.

So though he did feel a tinge of sympathy for Hopes, he had no intention of changing Hopes’ current job for him.

You’re an interesting young man. You should run towards the target of becoming the Minister of Mining. It’s a very promising future for you! I’ll be rooting for you~

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