New Game+

Chapter 119 - Room Of The Royals

It had been three months since the attack on China and the world had grown more chaotic since then. All over the world, there were various uprisings occurring on different parts of the world. Various protests regarding the injustice of the World Governing Powers had begun.

Some governments were supporting the WGP while others had shown subtle support for their protesting citizens. Some countries ignored the raging protest and neither did they show any signs of supporting the protest.

Pangea had fallen into a neutral state. The masses, in general, weren\'t too obsessed with the World Governing Powers as their attention remained affixed on Australia.

During these three months, Australia had shown off more of its terrifying technologies as various mobile bases were being made. It was rumored that New Birth Fort is going through another hibernation stage with technologies that would astound the world.

The coastlines have all been retaken as most of the foreign invaders were pushed off. Although the WGP\'s rules were extremely favorable for Australia, they were simply following the rules established since the Void Century.

Professor Darian Aquamarine headed towards his assigned class. Because of the diversity of students in this school, the lesson plans for the Regulars, Rising and the Royals were vastly different.

Darian Aquamarine was one of the most open-minded teachers in all of West Phil-Pangea High. His lessons were very critical and he dared to voice out things and ideas that would startle an ordinary person.

These were the elite students of the school. Each of them had a name behind them and all of them would have a name for themselves in the near future.

Their gene pool was optimized as their parents could afford it. By their basic biology, they were a step up to the rest. Unlike those born without Artificial Intervention, the Royals were by nature, more beautiful, more good looking, had a higher I.Q, and generally were immune to more diseases.

The enhancements they received would oftentimes improve a person\'s height, eye-sight, and even mental comprehension. As such, a person who would have had average intellect could have the possibility of being innately smarter and better at memorizing, analyzing and other mental tasks.

As for looks, there has not been an unattractive Royal for nearly a decade. Such was the prestige of the Royals of the world.

Ever since the emergence of the Lab Generation, people have been divided according to their genetic capacities. People of low-born status couldn\'t afford the expensive genetic enhancements making them sub-par to the common man. People of the Rising group would have taken various body-enhancing medications that they could afford and would at times avail of certain genetic enhancements making them a bit slightly better as compared to an unenhanced person.

The Regulars were the lowest of the bunch. Since the foundation of the school, the core beliefs and values of the school have been established. It aimed to help all people of all walks in life. Regulars, Risings, and Royals all have a part in society and must be educated and equipped so they can perform their respective roles well.

Since Regulars were students who were extremely poor or who cannot afford even the basic enhancements, they only received the most basic forms of training and their job opportunities are limited. Although there have been people who started off as Regulars but slowly managed to acquire wealth and fame that could even be of equal level to a Royal, the general purpose of this divide was to further segregate and divide the workforce of a country.

Royals would hold key positions in society, the Rising would be the middle-class group and the Regular would be the group who would perform odd jobs, blue-collar jobs, and other related tasks.

As each country had its own Technological Possibilities, the possible career paths in each country were different. Due to the limitations and potential opportunities brought by a technological possibility, the necessity of dividing work classes was also common around the world.

Each of these students had a strange aura around them of pride, confidence and the graceful etiquette befitting their heritage.

Darian Aquamarine finally arrived at his assigned classroom.

Despite maintaining a calm expression, a lingering sensation of unease still followed him even though he had been teaching to Royals for years. After taking a deep breath, Professor Darian Aquamarine entered and glanced at the room full of Royals.

"Good Morning Class!" Professor Darian greeted.

"Today, we will be continuing our discussion about the World Governing Powers. No doubt each of you has done your reports? So I would like to hear from your observations and questions."

The Royals, being the higher class of society, had a different kind of training and teaching. They were given more freedom to voice their opinions and challenge the very nature things. Hence, it was common for illegal matters to be discussed within these circles.

A hand immediately shot up before anyone else could.

"Sir!" A young man immediately greeted.

"I wonder why we must discuss this. It\'s fairly obvious to all of us that this is a conspiracy set by the World Governing Powers to make us believe in them. The atrocities revealed in China three months ago are yet to be concluded. All evidence points that it was the World Governing Powers that did the attack. I don\'t see why we must continue to cater to their whims."

"Because their whims can mean three weapons of mass destruction going off in our three countries. And we may not have the capacity to defend it. Also, the conspiracy, the event itself is very questionable. Why would the World Governing Powers send a Rule? Any other technology could have sufficed. And why use a weapon not yet revealed to the world? Why risk it? The WGP is certainly hiding techs that could shock us, this is of no doubt. But why use it so recklessly?"

"Wasn\'t it that China claimed that it was a pyrrhic victory?" Miles Current, another Royal student inquired.

"If so, how come the World Governing Powers didn\'t immediately retrieve this Rule from China? If I was one of the heads in the WGP, I\'d immediately retake the evidence that China has before the Conference. Yet nothing happened! It only proved that the WGP knew nothing of the attack."

"So you are saying that China really did own that tech, Professor?" Another Royal student inquired.

"No. I personally believe that the reason the WGP has been more active and more aggressive is that there could have been a third party involved. And that party has the power to threaten even the WGP itself."

"Do you have any evidence to support that claim, Professor?" A hand shot upright as the question was asked.

The class turned to the student who raised her arms.

She was a beautiful Asian student who had bright white skin, long flowing hair, and sharp eyes.

Several hearts were throbbing at the sight of her beauty, while many girls frowned at her initiative to talk.

"Oh! Where are my manners! Class this is our newest member. She transferred from the East Asian Alliance and will be studying here. You all know how our relationships with other nations have been dicey but as we are faced with the Australian Avarice and the WGP has to do more PR stunts to show that they hate human modification, our very country, and in fact, this school is the only school that was allowed to continue its transfer student program. She is the first of many students who will be sent here." Professor Darian explained.

"Would you be so kind as to introduce yourself to us." Darian smiled.

"My name is Lara Diamon. Daughter of Cratch and Violet Diamon. Thank you for having me." The beautiful girl promptly introduced.

To the uninformed Royals, the revelation of her parent\'s name caused deep shock. The majority who knew who Lara was, took the opportunity to keenly observe Lara as she allowed herself the attention.

The Diamon family name was one of the most powerful names in the East Asian Alliance. It is one of the companies to has been approved by various nations, even those nations who shown aggression towards the EAA, to have a permit to operate on other nations. the conglomeration the Diamon\'s built controlled banks, real estate and had their own techno hub that was even used by the government of EAA.

"I\'m curious about the Professor\'s opinion. As you know, my country is one of the identified countries that were involved to raid China\'s Black Dragon."

Various strange looks appeared at the mention of the Black Dragon.

Professor Darian simply smiled. He knew that the nature of the Black Dragon would have reached the ears of these students as the attack on China had practically unveiled one of the most shocking secret organizations.

The Enemies of China had all used the exposed example of Meng to entice the WGP into adding more restrictions to China. But because the WGP was in an extremely disadvantageous position and could not afford to leave the Rule to China, they mostly ignored most of China\'s atrocities and claimed that China was playing according to the rules, unlike Australia.

"I believe a teacher like you should have heard of this Black Dragon? As I was saying…" Lara continued.

"The EAA was told that all our forces met their deaths. Many of my countrymen and women do not believe that. But it\'s pretty hard to deny that if a weapon of Mass Destruction belonging to the assassinate type was used, then the deaths are possible. I can only imagine what technology was stolen from Meng\'s base. But if these attackers are not from the WGP, who would this organization belong to?" She spoke slowly and clearly.

The Professor smiled politely at the inquiry.

"The common theory is another organization which seeks to rival the WGP. Although it isn\'t spoken of in the news, going by what the WGP has been doing in these past months indicates their attempts to see if there are nations who pooled all their technology together and made a new branch of technological possibilities that could rival the WGP. This is scary if you think about it. And this is also the very thing that I believe to have happened. It doesn\'t make any sense for the WGP to attack China. Regardless of what the Black Dragon had, you can be sure that the WGP already had similar technology."

The class erupted in debates at this claim. Many continued to insist on the constant conspiracies of the WGP while others went to the WGP\'s defense. Lara remained silent throughout the discussion.

The class continued with its discussion as Darian continued to defend and at the same time promote the WGP. The discussions further dove into the possible implications that these changes have for their market and businesses. As many of the Royal\'s in this class were well off, others actually had businesses of their own.

Soon the discussion circled back to the WGP as many started denouncing and claiming how the WGP were abusing their power.

"Admittedly, we are commanded and ordered to put the WGP in the light and glorify it. But the truth is dear students, my personal choice is to side with them." The teacher\'s announcement caused shocked expressions to some of the students.

"The WGP was established to rule over this world for a purpose. When the Third World War ended and we entered the era we now refer to as the Void Years, it was this organization that led to mankind\'s current progression. They have led this world effectively."

"But Sir, the many criticisms the WGP has had over the years are piling up! They are biased, greedy and prioritize their development over the world!"

"Yes! And that system worked! No country who did not abide under the rules of the WGP had fallen below the poverty level ever since the WGP has governed this Earth! Compared to how we are now in this age, the Post-Modern era was just terrible! Thousands would die every day from starvation alone!"

The class was silent at this argument.

"Look at Egypt or the nations in the Rotting Lands. This is one of the nations that started to refuse aid from the WGP. Look at their state now. It\'s said that their technology is a century later than ours. Would you want that?"

Several of the students had a strange expression.

"Aside from this argument, another reason why I choose the WGP is that choosing this mystery organization is simply illogical. The WGP has technologies that surpass the world and this advantage could not be defeated if two or three countries allied together. But even if this organization does have the power to fight it, then we should expect the fourth world war. Ask your grandparents how life was back then." The teacher laughed.

The students were silent.

"The WGP has its flaws but are you really willing to change the order of this world and recklessly allow another World War to happen?" Professor Darian challenged.

"Isn\'t this reason very weak, Professor? Why should we allow ourselves to settle with second best?"

"Think of it this way. If we continue to support this mystery organization, the world will soon be forced to pick a side. Right now, I\'m telling you, though the WGP has its faults, it has guarded and protected us from wars that can lead to the destruction of several nations. Are you willing to gamble that? And if you are willing, how sure are you that this mystery organization will be as good, as neutral, as passive, as effective as the WGP has been? Will you trade something that works for something that might rule over us with an iron fist?" Professor Darian left with that as the bell rang.

The class got up and went their own way.

Lara walked casually ignoring the many students who wanted to strike up a conversation with her. She walked out and simply shook her head as she recalled the statements of the teacher.

Then she glanced forward and sighed at the sight of several posters and ads on the small monitors around the school.

She had been in Pangea for weeks but she still hasn\'t personally met the person she longed for. Despite her status, she could only wait and glance at the sidelines not even capable of walking up towards that person and greet him.

As she left the room, a large monitor displayed Seeker\'s recent stream. These streams which were originally paid streaming accounts would be displayed for free after a few days pass in this school.

Students still continued to gather and celebrate Seeker\'s name.

"Casual Carlean. The Rising that rose above all Royals.." Lara smiled as she gazed at the confident face of Seeker Carlean.

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