New Game+

Chapter 142 - An Ordinary Father

It began during World War 3.

Due to the heavy need for energy and the harsh limitations and danger of relying on Nuclear power, various nations had to change their methods for building power plants to power up their cities and even had to switch to alternate forms of fuel for their war machines.

Geothermal energy became one of the most popular options. Underground power plants were also protected against the most powerful weapons of warfare. Even weapons of mass destruction couldn\'t penetrate the Earth so easily.

Soon, most nations had changed the way of building objects. It was only the proud nation of Australia who built a towering edifice which became one of the most famous bases as they had the technology to stand firm, immune from most of the destructions that were thrown to them.

The greater majority of the world began to build underground cities. Although small islands are archipelagoes are not able to do this as the nearby sea or ocean would often reveal various underground rivers and sea paths limiting the extent or depth that they can build, for those who lived in a large Continent surrounded by land, this was a popular choice.

Secret bases were found all over the world. The Age of Xenophobic Nations arrived as various international companies were barred from expanding to other nations because they feared that these companies were tools used by the government to build secret underground bases on their country.

Unknown to the world, the nation which had the most powerful and well-hidden force, were not any of the major superpowers. It wasn\'t even the WGP. This nation had relied on various means, mainly relying on Underworld operations to secretly gather the resources to continuously build it.

And so, ever since World War 3 was happening, this nation dared not interfere or participate with the battles that were happening around it but remained neutral while secretly blackmailing and using the opposing parties to fund itself. On the forefront, this nation looked like nations similar to the Rotting Lands of the Americas.

But who would have thought, that a massive mobile fortress laid dormant under the poor and suffering nation of Egypt?

Unknown to the world, Egypt\'s success in perfecting this technology would be attributed to only one single scientist. Damien Jones.

A renowned scientist who was believed to be dead for over a decade.

Lennox stood there simply gazing at the two. Their location was far from Egypt. In fact, they were far in the deep cold lands of Russia.

"I would like… to talk with you two. You were very hard to find Damien. It took me three months and I had to even ask help from my son." Lennox gave the two a stoic look.

Damien and the woman stood cautiously and aimed their guns at Lennox.

"You can try shooting if you still think that would be of any help," Lennox added.


Several gunshots were heard.

But no wounds appeared on Lennox\'s skin. Strangely, the condensed Matter bullets somehow struck the rocks behind Lennox as the bullets seemed to have passed by Lennox

"So… I presume that the child on Steffany\'s womb at that time would be a teenager now." Lennox ignored the stunned gazed and slowly approached.

"What do you want?" Damien asked cautiously. He knew that he was alive for a reason.

"Damien, I know that you fled because you knew Egypt was going to kill you. And so you made it look like an accident which killed the most successful specimen of Project Nile. You hid from the world knowing that the world would all want what\'s in your head and kill you. Do I look like I want to kill you?" Lennox asked.

"What are you here for? Rumor has it that you went missing. People assumed you died."

"The same could be said for you. I have my reasons. But it\'s surely nobler than yours."

"What do you want?" The man asked once more.

"The same thing you want. To give a safe, and good life for my daughter and son. Except my goal also happens to accomplish the greater picture with the wars that are coming."

"I see. Wars are coming. You want to hide in the ground? You want my Dug Down Tech to flee from the war? No. That\'s not the ruthless mathematician I know... What\'s going on?"

"My daughter went missing about three years since your disappearance. I want your tech to find her."

"What?!" Damien was stunned.

"She disappeared? Who would dare?!" Damien asked in surprise. Lennox was a renowned powerful man. Although bounties for his head were numerous, no one dared to take it. After the Orient Massacre of Mercenaries, no one would casually accept a mission to kill Lennox.

"Not who… but what. Dug Down Technology was partially created alongside a certain businessman, correct?" Lennox asked.

"Marion Raison. But he died shortly-"

"He\'s alive. I\'m sure that, he was the one who funded your little research and also gave you the materials that allowed you to develop this technology, correct?"

Damien nodded.

"Interestingly enough, the same had happened on several nations. Take, for example, Australia. Enigmatic Magnetic Pulse technology was formed by a single genius scientist who gained inspiration and support from another business entity who later died as well. I could name several other cases. They all have one thing in common. The businessmen died, and usually, the inventor with them. Of course, on your case, you managed to fool them by stealing and partnering with Experiment 01A3. Code named, the Woman of the Nile." Lennox then turned to the woman Steffany.

"Another common trait is that all these businessmen had strange backgrounds. If you trace their lineages, you\'d come to a complete stop. Their genealogy suddenly appears out of the blue. And lastly, all of them shared another trait… They all have their hearts and organs inversely mirroring ours. What do you make of this, oh paranoid friend of mine?" Lennox asked.

Damien\'s eyes grew alert.

"It really was a conspiracy… I\'m not dumb. The research material he gave me which he claimed to be the works of his late friend were already advanced. The missing pieces weren\'t hard to find. I knew something was up the moment Marion showed me those research material."

"Your paranoia became your most useful trait. It kept you alive. Had you not been paranoid, they would have killed you once you completed the research. They already perfected this tech and may have even found ways to surpass it."

"Just what kind of global conspiracy is this? Such technology was already available! A few years had passed and Egypt has already developed various means to use it in war. Is this the work of the WGP?" Damien wanted answers. His years of escape and hardship made him feel like he needed to know this information.

"No. Not the WGP. A far worse entity. Aliens called Aragarians. And that\'s the group that kidnapped my daughter. I lost track of her in Egypt. I hadn\'t known about Dug Down Technology then. Who would have expected that I was supposed to literally dig deeper into Egypt? I want Dug Down Technology so I can rescue her." Lennox spoke plainly.

Damien\'s expression changed.

He gazed at Steffany and the two had an understanding nod.

"Impressive. Such a detailed and unbiased search for truth. You actually considered the possibility of aliens?" Lennox gave rare praise.

"The great Mathematician actually praised a paranoid fool like me."

"A paranoia that considers all possibilities but still has logic in mind is quite rare… You are not given to endless conspiracy theories but simply find things that best explain the situation." Lennox continued.

"It was just among the possible answers. We were reaching an end to explanations. The only thing possible was that something or someone outside the known governments and the WGP would do this. Why would the WGP give Egypt strength? You mentioned Australia. But I\'ve learned of other nations as well. The same happened in Poland. The sudden emergence and growth of the Floating Nations? While the WGP attributed these sudden technological appearances to the fact that these nations may have long been hiding this technology and are simply coming out due to need, I thought differently. I was in the deep of the Nile Research. I knew the extent of Egyptian studies. Dug Down technology simply surpasses it. And so I carefully started to observe the history and even spied on the reports from other nations just to learn what was happening to my own. Even the barren lands of Kuwait had risen when their oil supplies ended! I knew that these nations received outside help. But why make it so powerful?" Damien poured out every hypothesis and thoughts he had on this matter.

"Follow me, and I will show you the truths to all these things. I won\'t keep you from any information I know should you choose to follow me. Who knows? You may even get to kill Marion Raison personally." Lennox smiled.

Steffany\'s figure shook.

"I will… get the chance to kill him?" A dark strange aura was leaking out of her.

"As expected. Unbecoming…" Lennox smiled greedily.

"You have expected for Marion to have lived?" Lennox asked immediately.

"He\'s not a man to die like that. I knew he was still out there…" Steffany clenched her fist.

"Lennox… My wife\'s situation is not that good. With your technology to transform into lightning… do you have the means to help her stabilize her situation? Her body-"

"Can condense, absorb and manipulate the water around her. That\'s why you choose to hide hear because you thought I was tracking her based on the gathering moisture." Lennox completed Damien\'s sentences.

Damien was stunned.

"I do have the means for that. Shall we move to a more? comfortable location?"

"I want to know what you\'re planning first. You already gave us an overview of what you want. But you never told us what you plan to do. I\'m sure rescuing your daughter is only a step towards your true goal. You would always make sure to hit more than one bird at once."

"Dug Down Deep technology is on the hands of these Aragarians. I plan to raze Egypt to the ground and acquire that large underground fortress as my own."

Damien\'s eyes grew solemn.

"You plan on waging war against Egypt?"

"No. To wage war against a nation so weak as Egypt and against something so hidden would draw the ire of the Aragarians. It is not the time yet to face these aliens. My friends have yet to solidify their places. Also, Egypt has clearly rooted itself in Aragarian hands. It would not be an exaggeration to state that it is controlled and owned by Aragarians. As such, a battle would only draw out their attention. No. I plan on assassinating Egypt."

"Assassinating?!" Damien was shocked.

"It\'s possible. I am already making the arrangements. It will be glorious. The Lord has once visited those lands and struck the firstborn. But apparently, these people haven\'t learned their lesson. The Angel of Death shall once more roam Egypt with nine plagues following before it. And when this angel of Death roams Egypt once more, it will no longer Pass Over any houses but slaughter all the settlers."

"What are you talking about?!"

"I plan on killing everyone in Egypt. Is that clear enough?"

"You\'re crazy! That will draw in the attention of the Aragarians!"

"Will it? It\'s a xenophobic country. As long as I can kill everyone and not create a panic, this secret will remain hidden. With how the WGP has been acting, these Aragarians must also be acting indiscretion. Besides, they would never expect an entire nation to be killed off overnight. So if my plans push through, the world won\'t notice. Egypt hasn\'t even shown any media news reports in the last three years. The world doesn\'t know what goes in it nor do they care. They treat it like the Rotting Lands of the Americas."

Damien felt a chill rise up his spine.

"Madman!" Steffany was the one who shouted.

"You can\'t be serious, Lennox?!" Damien added.

"I have thought it through. In this situation where I know not what happens inside that underground base or the status of my daughter. I am sure, that almost half if not a third of Egypt\'s population have relatives or distant relatives and friends working in that underground fortress. If I steal it or kill everyone in it, it will alert the Aragarians one way or the other. I will have to kill everyone to ensure that whatever battle happens underground, no one can take notice of it. Even if it is a simple tremor."

"You would kill a hundred million lives to prevent anyone from noticing your battle underground?!"

"I would kill a hundred million lives to save my daughter." Lennox\'s cold expression surfaced. Sparks of electricity started to gather around him.

"That\'s why I need Dug Down Technology. I don\'t know what experiments they\'ve been doing on my little Princess. You probably know of it Steffany. What would you do if both your son and daughter were subject to the inhumane experiments they are doing? Would you be able to even sleep at night?" Lennox challenged.

Steffany was stunned silent.

"My family was the reason why I left the Underworld. But during my hiatus, it seems this Aragarians took control of the many areas of the Underworld and somehow, discovered my daughter. Not caring of who I was, they took her. Her disappearance was my greatest challenge. It was that that pushed me to this level. For her disappearance led to the death of my wife and the estranged relationship with my son. My wrath has long been withheld, Damien. And now, I know where to aim it."

"You can\'t do that! Even if you manage to kill everyone quietly, it\'s impossible to remain unnoticed! The Aragarians will know about you soon!"

"Not if my other friends make a good show to keep the world distracted."

"Distracted?! What can possibly distract this organization from a nation-wide massacre?!"

Lennox broke off his cold expression and chuckled. The figure of the ruthless Seeker emerged. The serious scowl of his son whom he had been so proud of also emerged. The serious face of Meng, the laughing figure of Richie and the unforgettable terror of the Tyrant Empress emerged. Even the arrogant and annoying smirk of Lowengren surfaced in his mind.

"Trust me. When these friends of mine move, the eyes of the world will surely turn to them."

"You cannot do that! Even with all that Egypt has done to me and to my wife, that is something our conscience cannot allow!"

Steffany was silent.

"Lennox. I know the pain that you feel and the anger that you carry. But Egypt is not bound to this sin. Even I, who could possibly be the only person who understands your fear will not accept your crazy plans.

"Of course. I never wanted your sympathy. Even for someone like Seeker Carlean who had seen firsthand the terrors of these Aragarians never wanted me to know that it was Egypt. Even my son kept it from me. Alas, I had to find the clues myself. But now that I know it, even if that Seeker Carlean, that Abomination or that Assassin will try to stop me, I will have my revenge!"

A gripping fear clutched Damien and he couldn\'t breathe.

Steffany noticed it and immediately raised her hand as a strange rush of moisture covered them. Suddenly, a large ball of water covered the two of them.

"So I am right… you have such focus. Even with everything that didn\'t make sense, and the pressure I exude, you could still think clearly. You even noticed that the fear that took hold of you two was brought by scent? Do you have an unhindered thought process like I do?" Lennox smirked.

"Regardless, you two will join me. I have means to turn you into slaves that can easily allow me to control you into overcoming this moral dilemma." Lennox then raised his hands as a strange bolt of electricity started to harden on his hands.

"Wait!" Damien\'s muffled voice that spoke inside the water ball called out. He was scared beyond belief. He\'s heard of it. Programmed Slaves. The inhumane method which became a top luxury within the Underworld.

"Lennox! You\'re insane! That is a nation we are talking about! Aren\'t you the great Mathematician? Aren\'t you someone who holds logic above all?"

"I am, Damien. But what you must also understand, is before being a Mathematician, I was always a husband to my wife, and a father to my son and daughter. I tried to resist it, Damien. But alas, if I want to save her, I have to kill everyone in Egypt, least she falls into any more dangers."

"No! You\'re just forcing that issue! You want that to be true! Your vengeance has clouded your judgment!"

"Then let it be… For right now, I do not see myself as a Mathematician… A man of logic. A man of morals. Right now, I am just an ordinary father. And I will do everything to get my girl back."

It was a brief moment. But it leaked out. All the anger that Lennox had was unleashed for a brief second.

Somewhere, in the heart of Australia. In the middle of one of Australia\'s busiest metropolis…

A man was relaxing on the rooftop of a mid-rise building.

He shivered and gazed off to another direction.

"Strange. One of them is so angry that even I can feel it from here. Don\'t want to be that person\'s enemy.." He laughed and returned to back to his lazy position.

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