Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 858 - Vol V Chapter 218

They had started around 3pm in the afternoon, and it had been about five hours. To a normal person, such a long battle would deplete their energy completely. However, to the two parties, this was not much. If this was a workout, this would only count as a warmup to them.

When Legendary Masters were fighting, it was common for the battle to last a few days. As a legendary peak master, for Leon, as long as he was willing, he could fight for a few months without stopping. As for the dragon, it had not even shown its true powers yet.

As the sky turned dark, nature affected the power of both sides. Darkness and evil began to claim the upper hand. With this, the dragon’s powers also increased. It was not that the dragon was similar to other lowly Magic Beasts who were weak in the day and strong at night. It was more like at nightfall, it became more alert and conscious.

Holy Spirits’ soul pieces, the evil dragon’s soul, and the aura of the Abyss had created this dragon. It was beginning to familiarize and control its strength, transforming from a “combined being” into a whole being. In terms of the battle, it began to control its powers better. When attacking, the dragon was also more accurate and did not hit the ground with each strike.

Of course, this was disadvantageous to Leon, and he had to fight even harder now. Yet, instead of feeling threatened, Leon was even more excited. He had always wanted to challenge a demigod. Although the dragon showed signs of demigod power before, it had been rather sporadic, and there had been nothing much for him to learn from. However, now, as the dragon began to harness its full power, it gave Leon some food for thought. The increased hardship was nothing to him in exchange for knowledge!

Leon also knew that he would definitely not be alone in battle.

After a short period of time, Master Satan, who was also at the legendary peak, would come to aid him. Actually, Satan had already arrived and was simply waiting for the right chance to start his attacks. Furthermore, for other legendary peak masters, they would definitely rush over to watch or help once they heard that one of their kind was fighting a demigod monster.

How could one move from the legendary peak to demigod? This was something all legendary peak masters considered. All who were at this stage already possessed high levels of thought and intelligence, but to complete the last step from “human” to “god” was something they were always puzzled about. If one were to complete this last step, they would successfully step into the immortal stage as a god. However, if they failed, it was almost guaranteed that they would die.

They all would definitely prefer to engage with or as demigods under safer conditions.

Through this battle, they could understand more about demigods and prepare for their own journey. With greater understanding, they would be more likely to be successful. On the other hand, by participating in such battles, they could also increase their understanding of their own power and develop their weaknesses.

Leon thus could bet that this solo battle would become a group one very soon.

As he predicted, once the moon had risen from the east through the thick clouds and the first beam of moonlight shone down, someone else intervened in the battle.

That beam of moonlight was supposed to be harmless, but as it shone down, a sort of chilly atmosphere descended upon the dragon.

The dragon had not expected an ambush, and the second it was stunned, Leon took the chance to slice it with his sword fiercely.

With such a strong attack, Sui Xiong’s personally created sword glowed and was akin to a laser beam, tearing through at least two to three meters of the strong scales and skin of the dragon. This caused a one-meter-wide wound. Not only that, but green and white smoke also rose from the wound. This was the diminishing of the dragon’s internal energy with the emergence of the wound.

With its strength, the dragon was usually able to self-heal any kind of wound. However, the previous period of battle, along with this new wound, caused the self-healing to slow down and increased overall damage on the dragon.

This was definitely harmful to the dragon, and it let out a pained roar. The dragon’s body emitted black smoke like fire and charcoal.

Leon had not anticipated this and was hit by this smoke. He was lucky that his armor gave him strength, and Leon was only pushed back about 10 meters with little injury.

Although Leon was not hit, others were. With a cry of pain, a skinny body suddenly flew out from the battleground and hit the ground clumsily after flying for 40 to 50 meters, looking extremely pitiful. This was a legendary-level thief with high levels of stealth and concealment. He had been hiding underground, most likely waiting to give the dragon a strong attack but had not been able to do so before being affected himself.

As he lay on the floor moaning, it was clear that he was badly injured. It was lucky that there were other onlookers. With a flash of red light, a thick brute rushed over and lifted him up, leaving the place quickly with a few big strides. After they had distanced themselves from the battle scene, an old man in white robes used his powers to heal the thief and sucked out the evil power that had hit him.

The dragon of course noticed these new people who had appeared. Although it did not recognize them, its gut told the dragon that these people were not as strong as Leon, who was small but good at defense. It felt that it would be easier to beat them.

It thus flapped its wings, intending to fly up and attack the onlookers.

Leon predicted the dragon’s next move and shouted loudly, summoning up a new sword. He quickly cut off one of the dragon’s wings.

The dragon did not require wings to fly, but this caused it to be in great pain and greatly angered it.

Evil dragons were naturally irrational creatures. Furthermore, this dragon had been affected by the evil realm and was not thinking straight. In a fit of rage, the dragon abandoned his original plan and refocused his efforts back into fighting Leon.

“Ah! Leon is really clever. If he were to live in the mountains, he’d definitely outsmart all the local bandits and brutes!” In the sky, Sui Xiong laughed to himself as he observed this scene.

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