Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 940: The God of the Murlocs

Chapter 940: The God of the Murlocs

On the southern seaside of the Highest Tower, the war between the mages and demons continued.

But judging from the expression on Yuslar’s face, many mages, who were well-learned in the study of abyssal demons, were already smiling.

The expression of the Lord of the Abyss was already appearing to be somewhat impatient. It would not be long before it would lose interest in the Highest Tower and turn to leave.

As for the area beneath the surface of the sea, which was nearby the altar, the elderly murlocs also smiled with relief.

The long spear that was once the trident of the Sea King, was already shining brilliantly. Beside it, an illuminated shadow of a murloc was vaguely appearing. This meant that the god they wanted to create was already starting to take form. So long as they put in a little more effort, they could really translate fantasy to reality.

For a long time, the murlocs had been living in embarrassment because they did not have a god of their own. Though they were later brought under the command of the Goddess of the Ocean, they were never able to fit in with the other deep-sea races.

However, later on, relying on the advantage they had in being a huge population, they reversed the roles of host and guest and used their belief to influence the Goddess of the Ocean. But after a long period of hard work, their efforts came to naught because of the fall of the Goddess of the Ocean.

The new Goddess of the Ocean was unwilling to accept the belief of the murlocs. In order to avoid danger, she did not even want to extend her care to the offshore races. Even if the murlocs wanted to offer their service to her, they could not find any way to do so. This made them secretly depressed.

For the living creatures of this world, it was a very sad thing to not have a god to protect them. It meant that they would have no protection when alive, and after death, their souls would not have a place to return to. This was especially so for an evil race like the murlocs. If they were unable to find the protection of a god, most of the murlocs would fall into hell after they died and be subjected to severe punishment.

Under such a situation, the murlocs eventually accepted the God of Conspiracy’s advice. They were determined to be self-reliant and depend on their own strengths to create a god that belonged to them.

Generally speaking, the process of the birth of a new god would be as followed: First, a master would reach the level of the Demigod Realm. Then he would gather enough belief, and by virtue of the power of beliefs, he would acquire a priesthood and finally become a real god.

The murloc race lacked top-rated martial skills. The number of Legendary Masters they had was simply pathetic, let alone demigods. This road was obviously not going to work for them.

But the God of Conspiracy came up with another way for them—with a magical object as base, a large number of clansmen would be sacrificed. Gathering the willpower of the people of the race and using the magical object as a medium, they would create a god out of thin air.

This method was not unprecedented. In the past years, there were such situations of using “magical objects to create gods.” And the more common ones were those where big trees or mountains were worshipped by all things. With enough belief, a weak god could be made out of thin air.

Such gods were usually called Earth gods. Because they were under great restrictions, they could only possess the ability of gods if they were within the scope of belief. But so long as they remained within this scope of belief, their abilities would not differ much from that of the real gods.

The plan of the God of Conspiracy was to use a magical object as a medium to create an existence that was similar to an Earth God.

And it was proven that his plan was still quite reliable.

The murlocs followed the arrangements he had set up earlier on, then step by step, they carried out the procedure. They certainly succeeded in gathering the will of the people of their race and condensing it into a shadow of brilliant flowing lights—that would be the predecessor of a god.

So long as it was further provided with sufficient belief and sacrifices, this shadow would eventually become a true entity. By that time, a god of the murlocs would truly be born.

Though it would merely be an Earth god when it was just a newborn, it was nonetheless, a god. And it was not difficult becoming a real god from an Earth God.

With the support of such a massive murloc population, it would only take this Earth god a few years to become a real god.

Seeing the shadow of brilliant flowing lights gradually take shape, the elderly murlocs could not help smiling.

At this point in time, Yuslar was gradually getting increasingly irritated and several times, it had wanted to simply turn around to leave.

Because of the effect of the summoning spell, it was unable to attack the murlocs in return. And the target it was summoned to attack—the Highest Tower—was so heavily guarded that it could not do anything to it at all. It was in a dilemma, not knowing whether it should advance or retreat. Being in a situation where there was no benefit for it to gain, the Lord of the Abyss naturally lost interest.

After a while, Yuslar finally lost all its fighting will. The massive giant let out a furious roar, and its body shrank rapidly. It did not take long for it to become as small as it was when it first appeared, which was probably about the height of two murlocs put together.

The void space around Yuslar shook, looking as though it was about to be torn apart. That would allow Yuslar to leave the Main Plane and return to the abyss. But just then, all the elderly murlocs started to chant an incantation in unity.

At the moment, numerous murlocs were gathered in the southern region of the sea around the Highest Tower. Among which, naturally the number of elderly murlocs was also just as innumerable, like the stars in the sky. Though many lives were lost in the previous battles, such losses were simply not worth mentioning when compared to their total number.

The power of one or two elderly murlocs was of course nothing to Yuslar. But when thousands of elderly murlocs chanted the incantation together to initiate the spell, the situation would no longer be as easy to deal with.

Even if Yuslar was in perfect condition, such an array was still very difficult to block. Not to mention that Yuslar was now exhausted from the endless war and caught off guard by the sudden force gathered from the countless incantations that kept him tightly bound. Then he was directly dragged to where the altar of skeletons was built.

The green, poisoned waters around the altar of skeletons, of course, had no effect on Yuslar at all. But when it saw that shadow of brilliant flowing lights slowly pulling out that long spear and walking towards itself, even that powerful and ferocious Lord of the Abyss could not conceal the change in its expression.

As it tried its best to put up a struggle, it was cursing the murlocs viciously. Because of the power of its curse, the murlocs in the vicinity were continuously falling, dying or directly transforming into demonic monsters that launched attacks on their own kind.

But in the face of such a huge number of murlocs, such resistance was simply meaningless.

A few seconds later, the shadow of brilliant flowing lights raised a golden green long spear and pierced it through the chest of Yuslar’s clone.

In the faraway abyss, amidst the decaying sea of poison, the Lord of the Abyss let out an earth-shattering cry as its body convulsed violently.

It struggled frantically while continuously casting all kinds of powerful spells that bombarded the evil demons around him. They were all shattering into bits as they died, but none of this really mattered. Its chest started to sink, as though it was being pierced by something.

That was Yuslar’s clone being injured, and supposedly, whatever happened to the clone should have nothing to do with the noumenon. But obviously that was not the case at the moment.

After being pierced by that long spear, a mysterious power connected Earth to the deep abyss. It extracted and plundered the power of Yuslar’s noumenon, and this clone was the medium for the connection.

Also, at the moment, the murlocs were not idling around either.

Large numbers of murlocs were charging out of the sea, making their way towards the coastline. There, they launched an attack of which they had no chance of winning.

What awaited them was the torrent of spells coming from the Highest Tower.

Every moment, at least dozens of murlocs were hit and knocked down by spells. But the murlocs did not flinch at all. They stood firm and unswervingly launched the attack all the same.

“What are those shrimp doing?”

“Who cares? Let’s first finish them off!”

The mages roared and continued to attack, killing large batches of murlocs.

However, what was happening beneath the surface of the sea was nicely covered up...

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