The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 670: Weird implanting fusion

Chapter 670: Weird implanting fusion

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Chapter 662: Weird implanting fusion

Knowing that Sheyan’s decisiveness evidently stemmed from careful deliberation, Old Aram no longer beat around the bush. He directly called for his tribesmen and escorted Sheyan towards a large wooden hut, located at the periphery of the village.

Wind infiltrated in from all four sides of this hut, while a tree stump stood at the center. The trunk was stained with purplish-black blood, while numerous clusters of ocher-colored broken bones, rotten meat, fish scales, fish innards were spewed everywhere. An assailing pungent odor pervaded the air. Most likely, this was Port Qom’s slaughterhouse.

Following that, Old Aram fetched a bowl of crow-black herbal drink, prompting Sheyan to drink it up. The drink was so bitter, Sheyan grimaced with exposed teeth. Yet concurrently, he received a notification.

[ You are about to initiate a secret ritual of royal Ndipaya nobility - the Babu-Babusar ceremony ]

[ During this ceremonial rite, your individual defense capabilities will decline to the state of an average male. This effect takes Domain Precedence ]

[ Due to an excessive amount of variables and data, the outcome cannot be evaluated. Contestant no.1018 is suggested to suspend this process at once, and link up with the realm with your military authority. Trading it will yield you an additional 100 achievement points as reward. After identification of its true value, your final reward may increase ]

[ Warning: You may encounter indescribably unknown dangers during this ceremonial ritual! ]

[ Do you wish to proceed with this ritual? ]

Upon viewing these notifications, Sheyan was instantly astonished. He immediately recalled the few unknown strange objects he acquired in the past, where they could be sold to the realm for achievement points. Only in exceedingly rare scenarios, would such weird object variation occur. Hence, the realm didn’t possess relevant statistics on them, thereby attaching a fixed research value to those objects.

Then, Sheyan immediately contemplated over his current predicament.

Firstly, the practice of this Babu-Babusar ceremonial ritual was long extinct. After myriads of generations, Old Aram’s reconstructing of this may seem right but actually wrong. Most likely, the strange variations involved was impossible to calculate even by the realm.

Secondly, it was his innate ability ‘Stronghold’. How many times did a conflict in effect precedence occur with various kinds of assaults, yet none managed to triumph over it. Even a dumbass would know his innate ability was extraordinarily perverted, and there was something fishy about it.

Finally, that semi-dead sapling ‘Stairway of the Sun’. Its data should actually be deemed as normal. Yet while it should’ve been strangled to death by its mother, it managed to absorb a large chunk of an unknown ‘meteorite’. Next, its body was polluted by the venom of the mythical coiled serpent, and even absorbed the nutrients of the coiled serpent’s flesh.

Such brazen variations probably veered it completely away from being calculable by normal methods. It was probably long classified as an unknown strange object, and an extremely high grade one at that.

As such, with the three factors combining, an unprecedented unknown variation thus formed. Therefore, Sheyan could confirm it was why the realm was willing to fork out 100 achievement points, or perhaps even a higher valuation for it.

Yet pivotally, even if the achievement points reward soared to 200 or 500 points, Sheyan would equally not be moved. Because once he obtained that reward, there could possibly be a chance of allowing the realm to analyze his innate ability’s ‘data conflicting precedence’, leading it to be utterly exposed!

Hence, Sheyan very bluntly drank the herbal drink in one mouth, and opted to proceed. Instantly, he felt a surge of icy chilliness rolling down his throat, before spreading through different parts of his body which lost their senses one after another.

In a short span of minutes, Sheyan could no longer move; just like being injected with general anesthetic on an operation table. Only, his mind remained additionally clear.

His nightmare imprint then transferred a notification.

[ Babu-Babusar ritual initiated! From now, apart from speaking softly, any form of movement will result in the ceremonial rite failing. This includes returning to the realm, utilizing items or abilities ]

[ Warning: Failing the Babu-Babusar ritual may result in an extremely high possibility of contestant perishing! ]

At this moment, Old Aram led a flock of natives to surround Sheyan and began a mysterious dance, raising their hands and hollering at the top of their voices. Following that, Old Aram fished out an incredibly sharp golden knife from nowhere, before retrieving a skull that had been shaped into a mug. Pfffftt! After drinking a mouthful of murky liquid, he sprayed it onto the knife’s blade. Within a golden shimmer, he stabbed towards Sheyan’s chest!

Yet by this point, Sheyan’s defense was already reduced to the state of an average male. Moreover, Old Aram’s strength was clearly domineering; absolutely not inferior to Mbenga. Hence, his knife effortlessly punctured through Sheyan’s sternum. Perhaps it was due to the herbal drink earlier on, but only a relatively small volume of blood gushed out from his chest.

Exercising faint strength, Old Aram carved away Sheyan’s sternum, and fully exposed the organ beneath. One could now vividly observe Sheyan’s red beating heart pumping blood to the rest of his body.

As he chanted a mysterious incantation sonorously, Old Aram dripped a sliver of liquid contents of his skull mug over Sheyan’s wound. Consecutively, he produced the sapling ‘Stairway of the Sun’ that had been bitten by the coiled serpent, allowing the sapling to pleasurably immerse inside the skull mug.

Not only did the sapling’s periphery appear sterilized, even its tiny root was cleanly rinsed of soil sediments; minute strands of root hairs could even be spotted.

Immediately after, Old Aram positioned the sapling beneath Sheyan’s chest.

Following that, this originally dying sapling actually crawled onto the mangled flesh of his chest. When its root touched Sheyan’s flesh, it swiftly branched out climbed alongside his internal circulatory system like an ivy; as though each primary artery and vein was constricted by a branch of root! The roots then continued stretching towards the depths of his body!

In a blink of an eye, Sheyan’s vitality, energy, and blood essence were being swiftly absorbed by the sapling, while the sapling rapidly flourished and grew. From struggling at its last breath, the sapling became energized like a lively dragon or animated tiger. Very evidently, if this process continues, Sheyan’s eventual outcome would be to become fertilizer.

At this moment, Sheyan bluntly shut his eyes and submitted to the will of heaven. Even an individual with excellent mental fortitude may not withstand this.

When the sapling ‘Stairway of the Sun’ root had seemingly extended throughout all of Sheyan’s blood vessels, Old Aram suddenly billowed out like a raging wild beast. None could interpret what he was roaring. Concurrently, he was repeatedly switching his little golden knife between his right and left hands. The golden knife incessantly carved out tiny round arcs of goldish brilliance, and was truly marvelous to behold.

Next, he started circling around Sheyan with large strides, as his unblinking eyes fixated on his chest. All of a sudden, Old Aram’s little golden knife jolted out from his hand.

It jolted out like lightning, an astounding speed that was utterly incomprehensible. Only a flicker could be seen, before the knife stabbed into the main stem of the sapling ‘Stairway of the Sun’ in Sheyan’s body. The knife then chopped off a swollen tubercle nucleus before flying back out! Shockingly, it did not cause even a single injury to Sheyan’s flesh.

All of a sudden, the secondary vines of the sapling ‘Stairway of the Sun’, twitched intensely; so much so that one could interpret it as plaintive wailing. Only after a long while, did the sapling calm down…before plunging into deathly stillness.

Nevertheless, the root branches that had blended into Sheyan’s body, remained attached to his blood vessels and meridians; inevitably continuing to absorb nutrients.

As it turns out, the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ was truly an exceptionally mythical plant. The majority of its growth actually involved its roots growing deep underground. While it could conduct photosynthesis like other plants, its roots acted like spiders, hunting underground for nutrients to devour.

Furthermore, while it maintains tranquil immobility for vastly long periods, it could lash out frenetically with its vines whenever it senses a threat.

Just like other vegetation, it instinctively blooms and attracts insects for pollination. Yet, its method of propagation was viviparity.

It possessed a greater intellect and perception of danger than other creatures, and proactively resorted to strangling its seedlings that threatened its livelihood!

One could certainly describe it as a hybrid between plant and animal; an organism that has transcended the boundaries of flora and fauna.

Yet, Old Aram sliced off the sapling’s ‘true nucleus’, a part analogous to a human’s brain, with one strike. Without that ‘true nucleus’, the sapling became reminiscent of a human vegetable; losing its rationality and influence, transforming completely into a parasite that adhered to Sheyan’s circulatory system.

Therefore, if this ceremonial rite succeeded, the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ would transform into Sheyan’s fourth major system! Apart from his circulatory, nervous and lymphatic system!

Of course, a crucial difficulty must be factored in - one’s resistive immune system. A human body would naturally reject and expel foreign objects. For example, one’s immune system battling and killing off bacteria infection. In fact, a person’s health is at least 90% based on his immune system, and 10% on health/medicinal supplements. Thus, one can determine how important one’s immune system is.

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