In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 371 - Ch371. Creation Of Kaguya

Izumi closed her eyes and from how her chakra pulsed, Rei instantly understood she was about to begin. He gently squeezed her hand in reassurance, causing a small smile to appear on her lips before she slowly breathed out and opened her eyes. Nine tomoes in each eye, three on each of the three rings, were madly spinning around Izumi\'s pupils, with each spin her chakra felt more and more focused.

It was amazing to witness such a thing and managed to prove to Rei that the world held many more wonders he didn\'t witness yet.

The eyes were somehow helping Izumi with the concentration and mental processes necessary to facilitate the technique. No wonder those possessing them were capable of godly feats no human would have the mental capacity to replicate. Things like creating whole dimensions, jumping through space and time without any kind of anchor to set directions, and even the Creation of All Things.

Using those was not easy. Simply possessing the Yin-Yang release did not suffice. One could master the Yin chakra manipulation and the Yang chakra manipulation both and then learn how to successfully merge them but that didn\'t mean he could also recreate the Creation of All Things.

Rei knew. He tried. He tried it a lot.

He also succeeded but... The number of mental calculations necessary to create even a simple teddy bear almost floored him. His mind was simply not built to calculate the parameters of existence in such a way.

It really stumped Rei a lot how Hagoromo was capable of making the bijuu. Rei\'s method contained a lot of pinpoint precise calculations but he did them over time. It took him months and some even years to perfect. Yet, Creation of All Things required them all done in under a second.

That was the biggest \'fuck you\' Rei received from a Jutsu in his life...

\'No wonder the people with Rinnegan find it easy. Their eyes are more hax than they appear! They instantly do most of the work for them!\' Rei mentally shouted in a small bout of jealousy, now understanding why various Rinnegan users had various special techniques and neither seemed to be able to \'use\' the technique of another.

Of course, they could not do that. The idiots had no idea what they were doing even when using their own special abilities!

Nevertheless, now that he saw how exactly the eyes did what they did, he already started to think about how to replicate the effect for himself.

There was a reason why Rei never tried to implant a bloodline into himself. He simply found it redundant since most abilities could be replicated despite having one. Chakra was a very poorly understood thing.

Oh, people knew how to use chakra and create Jutsu during the Warring States period but they did not put much thought into how it worked.

Only after the conception of the Hidden Villages and when the clans started pooling together their libraries did research on chakra start. Yet, it was still nowhere, really. Ninjas still preferred mostly to fight and not ponder about how their abilities really form or work.

Rei didn\'t want to alter his body for power. Not when he didn\'t need to. He got so far with simply using his brains and managed to create things others thought impossible. Why should he break that trend only to do what everyone else tried and failed miserably at? Who cared about bloodlines anyway?

Rei was forcefully pulled out of his brief contemplation when he felt Izumi\'s chakra stir. She was clearly done with kneading and molding, remodeling it into what she needed. It took her some time but then again, what they were doing was quite complicated.

Izumi bit her lower lip enough to bleed, trying to keep her chakra steady and concentrated as it wanted to burst forth. It took her a lot of work to keep it all together. Then, when it somehow clicked in her mind, she understood the technique was ready and before she could even realize what she was doing, she quietly whispered, "Creation of All Things."

Rei felt the air around them vibrate at the blatant release of power as a figure started to form in front of them. It was a slow process. One that stretched for minutes and was just a tad bit disturbing.

For the first time did Rei get a front-row seat on the creation of the brain, various organs, bones, tendons, and muscles, all knitting together... It was beautiful.

Needless to say, Izumi looked fascinated and about to puke in the same measures, inwardly swearing to never do anything like this ever again as her complexion turned a bit green. She could handle the gore of battle but this was just a shuddering sight even for a seasoned veteran.

When the body finally formed, it resembled Kaguya Otsutsuki to the tiniest detail. Sort of.

But it was only a soulless husk with the strength and chakra of a normal civilian. All Izumi did was take one of her Shadow Clones as the model for the Creation of All Things and mold it into a living, breathing, physical body while altering its appearance to match Kaguya.

That\'s also why the new body did not have an eye on its forehead. It was a normal human body, after all.

With that, Izumi\'s part of the job was done and Rei pushed his chakra, taking hold of Izumi\'s technique. When he was mastering Yin and Yang chakras, he had no idea he would find himself in this kind of situation but here he was and it helped him with keeping the Creation of All Things going.

He knew there would be no way he could use it normally but that\'s what the seals were for.

Rei activated multiple sealing circles in the vicinity, the size of which easily dwarfed the perimeter of Konoha. These circles were nothing more than a crutch for his mental calculations to guide the Creation of All Things. And yet, it took so much space.

He officially dubbed Izumi a hax...

Now, Izumi\'s work seemed like a lot but it was fairly simple. She made the physical shell of Kaguya. Now it was up to Rei to recreate its spiritual components and give it sufficient chakra pathways while strengthening the body with Yang chakra enough that the inclusion of Kaguya\'s soul would not simply blow it up.

Yes, Kaguya could recreate the body according to her own wants from her upcoming vessel and she would subconsciously do so in a small measure anyway but Rei did not want to leave any open link to the moon seal. Kaguya signed a seal contract that used their souls for binding, the strongest contract Rei was capable of creating and one even he had no idea how to undo. He wasn\'t really sure it was even possible.

While it didn\'t mean Kaguya was his slave or property or anything, but she would have no way of betraying him anymore so leaving such a blatant weakness would be just him disadvantaging himself.

Hence, Kaguya\'s vessel had to be very fitting since it would be her one and only. There won\'t be a chance to send her back into the seal and remake her body after this.

Rei\'s part of the work was much more complicated. He used the Yin chakra manipulation to draft chakra pathways, widening them and enlarging the chakra coils while also making them sturdier than any human had any right to possess, all in order to allow Kaguya to wield the frightening amount of power he felt from her inside of her seal. Rei knew Kaguya would bolster her own chakra network anyway but he wanted to give her the best foundation possible for that.

Rei found it a bit funny because, in a way, he was building a miniature physical bijuu. His strongest yet.

The problem was, he had to infuse the normal human body with Yang chakra all the while he was creating and strengthening the chakra network. And it had to be in balance. He couldn\'t just push a large amount of Yang chakra into the body for it would explode. He had to do it slowly while increasing the output as the body became sturdier. He also had to balance that with the strengthening of the chakra network to keep them on a similar level, to keep the body\'s chakra in the balance of both Yang and Yin parts.

Frankly, seeing how the body comparable to a civilian was gaining strength both physically and chakra-wise right in front of his eyes made Rei a bit sour. He spent years training himself up to his current level and the soulless husk in front of him was about to surpass his state when he didn\'t use his bijuu.

Worse yet, Rei was fully aware it would surpass even his bijuu state by the end of the enhancement.

It was just a pity he couldn\'t mold his own chakra network and body via this method. The only reason why it was possible right now was that there was no soul in the body so it was malleable.

\'Hmm... could I take a soul out of body... seal it somewhere to keep it safe maybe?... and then use this method to strengthen said body before putting the soul back?\' Rei pondered before his eyes widened and he nervously gulped, \'God, I am turning into Orochimaru!\'

By the end of ten minutes, Rei was sweating bullets and was nowhere near done. But he knew his part would be infinitely more demanding than Izumi\'s. He was creating a body for someone stronger than him. He really only managed to do it thanks to his seals doing most of the calculations for him.

On the bright side, he was gaining valuable data in both body strengthening and chakra network expansion. Data that would help him make the training methods of his village more effective and definitely open a new avenue of research for him. Clearly, the current level of top ninjas was just the tip of the iceberg if the transformation of the civilian body in front of him to that of \'Goddess\' was any indication.

It took Rei three hours and mental exhaustion before he was done. In the end, the Kaguya-look-alike in front of him did reach a level above his own even in the bijuu state. It was both humbling and irritating.

\'Or I could just use this method to create new bodies for all of my girls and myself.\' He thought bitterly, more because of an annoyance than anything else. So much for his aversion to body modification...

Well, there was a multitude of problems with that but Rei wasn\'t in the state of mind to think about it right now.

He pushed on, activating the remaining seals to finish his part in the procedure so he could just sit down and rest.

As the last seals flared into existence and showered a great deal of the surroundings in light... and Rei was glad he was smart enough to do this on the averted side of the moon because he was damn sure the visual effect would be visible even from Earth... Kaguya\'s seal started to slowly unravel itself.

Now it all depended on Kaguya herself....

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